Friday, September 23, 2011

10th On Line, Implementing the Curriculum

Hi Class,

Kindly answer the following:

1. How do you think technology can make the teaching/learning more effective.?

2. As a teacher or educator, how can you pilot-test, monitor, and evaluate you curriculum? Be specific.

Doc Raqui

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

9th On Line, Group Work, Character Lesson Presentation

Hi Class,

It was fun observing and seeing all of you during your preparation and presentation last Saturday. I am sure that you learned many things during the process. Please answer the following:

1. Aside from your presentation, which group presentation do you like the best? Explain.

2. Looking back at your own group presentation, how do you plan to improve it if you will be given more time to prepare. Explain.

3. What did you learn in preparing and presenting a lesson based on the exercise last week.

Doc Raqui

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

8th On Line, Demonstration of Character Lesson

Hi Class,

I hope that you enjoyed our class last Saturday on a sample demonstration of a lesson on Character Education. Kindly answer the following:

1. Describe at least three important components (parts) of the lesson demonstration on Character Education.

2. Which part of the presentation do you like the most or made an important impact in your life.

3. How do you plan to develop your own lesson on Character/Values Education.

Doc Raqui

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

6th and 7th On Line, Curriculum Development (Application)

Hi Class,

Kindly answer the following:

1. What was difficult for you in developing your class work last Saturday (August 20): Objectives, Subject Matter, Teaching Strategies, and Assessment? Explain.

2. What do you think will help you in developing your lesson/curriculum on values education?

Doc Raqui

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

5th On Line, Curricullum Writting Application (Part 1)

Hi Class,

I am confident that by now, you are ready to begin writing your own lesson plan. Please do the following:

1. Write the school's vision, mission, and objectives. (Real or Fiction)

2. Develop a 30 minute lesson plan.

a. Choose a subject matter to discuss and the corresponding grade or year level(e.g. English, First Year High School).

b. Write 9 Objectives that include 3 Cognitive, 3 Affective, and 3 Psycho-motor.

c. Develop the content or the subject matter.

d. Write at least three teaching methods or strategies.

e. Describe at least two ways to evaluate if the students learn the lesson.

Doc Raqui

Friday, July 22, 2011

4th On Line, Curriculum Design

Hi CLass,

Kindly answer the following:

1. What type of curriculum design do you prefer as a teacher (subject, learner, problem)?

2. Based on the class discussion on curriculum design, how would you now improve or develop your own curriculum. Be specific. Name at least three ways that you will do differently when designing a curriculum?

Doc Raqui

Friday, July 8, 2011

3rd On Line, Curriculum Development

Hi Class,

Please reflect on the topic, "Is Philippine education really deteriorating?"

1. Choose a particular level (elementary, secondary, tertiary) and a specific subject area (Math, Science, English, etc.) as a point of reference.
2. In your own experiences as a student:
a. In what component/s of your curriculum, do you find some difficulties or
weaknesses? Identify at least 2.
Goals and Objectives
Curriculum Content
Curriculum Experiences
Curriculum Evaluation
b.Describe the weaknesses or difficulties.
c. Are there solutions to these conditions? What do you propose?

Doc Raqui