Friday, September 23, 2011

10th On Line, Implementing the Curriculum

Hi Class,

Kindly answer the following:

1. How do you think technology can make the teaching/learning more effective.?

2. As a teacher or educator, how can you pilot-test, monitor, and evaluate you curriculum? Be specific.

Doc Raqui


  1. 1. Technology has its many ways in helping to improve our education system. We can easily gather information through technology specifically with internet. We can communicate to anyone in the whole world to learn other cultures and tradition. There are so many teaching tools that were developed to improve our learning experiences. We can use technology in such many ways and instant communication and other learning tools are the most common used technology today. We can now minimize the classroom setting where the teacher is the only one talking. With internet , we can have interaction even if the students and teacher are not in the same room.

    2.First, I will test my curriculum to real students who haven't learned the lesson that I will teach. I can monitor then if they did learn something in my test curriculum because they will actually learn a new lesson. I will also use the pre-test, post-test method to see if there was an improvement with their knowledge after using my curriculum. I believe that is the best way to monitor and evaluate a testing curriculum.

  2. 1. How do you think technology can make the teaching/learning more effective.?

    There are many advantages that technology can contribute to make teaching/learning effective. On the part of learners, they are more actively engaged. It can be used for long distance learning and are accessible to a wider audience. Students learn different things instead of all students learning the same thing. Subjects made easier to learn. Many different types of educational software are designed and developed to help children or teenagers to learn specific subjects. Their self-esteem and motivation in a technology-rich environment found to be strong. For example, a computer is patient and non-judgmental, which can give the student motivation to continue learning.
    On teachers’ side, having a computer in the classroom is an asset to any teacher. With a computer in the classroom, teachers are able to demonstrate a new lesson, present new material, illustrate how to use new programs, and show new websites. Another example is, in a noisy classroom environment, the teachers will use microphones. With the help of microphones, students are able to hear their teachers more clearly. Children learn better when they hear the teacher clearly. The benefit for teachers is that they no longer lose their voices at the end of the day.

    2. As a teacher or educator, how can you pilot-test, monitor, and evaluate you curriculum? Be specific.

    Evaluating curriculum is necessary for both teachers and learners. First, I will do a thorough analysis with the content of curriculum over the goals or objectives that has been set and of the learners who have direct influenced in the curriculum. Is the content really important and informative to learners? Is the study material have a sense of purpose and help in promoting learners thinking and engaging them in the subject being taught? These are some questions that I will consider in analyzing. Second is, I will do a comparative study like comparing two or more curricula. Will look which one is more effective to learners. Third is doing a case study. Will do collection of data, classroom observations and interviews with all the participants of the program. Examples are questionnaires, interviews, giving exams, etc..

  3. 1. How do you think technology can make the teaching/learning more effective?
    ---Using technology in teaching or learning will be more effective because, now, especially, we are living in age of technology wherein most students are very into, so the interest is in or present. Teachers and students can have also discussion even though they are not inside the classroom, they can do blogs, SNS and many more.
    Another, because there information that are one click away, if they need it they can search it right away. But educators should also remember that as with any instructional tool or aid, it is only effective when used well.

    2. As a teacher or educator, how can you pilot-test, monitor, and evaluate you curriculum? Be specific.
    For me, first I will have my participants/students, next I’ll ask a professional or someone who is well experience already in the field, this is for him/her to observe my pilot testing. I will also have a focus group discussion, by this I’ll obtain feedbacks from the students/participants. Lastly the pre test and post test method, the purpose of this is to provide an objective measure of changes in knowledge and/or skills and can serve to provide information about the effectiveness of the curriculum.

  4. 1. How do you think technology can make the teaching/learning more effective.?

    Technology could make teaching be effective as it can show different dimensions of the subject content. In addition, educators could use real image of the the things they teach and could make some effects for better way.

    2. As a teacher or educator, how can you pilot-test, monitor, and evaluate you curriculum? Be specific.

    As an educators, I could test my curriculum by testing it to participants that are appropriate to my studies, i would include the age, capability and other demographic aspect of the participants.

  5. 1. How do you think technology can make the teaching/learning more effective?

    Technology can make the teaching/learning process more effective by making the access to information easier, through the use of computers and internet. Many of the youth today are using technology, and through internet they gather information that are needed for their projects, reports, and presentations. Therefore technology serves as a supplement to the knowledge that they gain in the classroom setting that was relayed to them by their teachers. It's not only the students that benefit from technology, but teachers as well. They can gain more time to teach when using technology, ie. computers and projectors, in teaching as they no longer need to write the whole lesson in the blackboard, and that time gained, even if it's only little, can be used in further explaining the lesson, which in turn makes them more effective teachers.

    2. As a teacher or educator, how can you pilot-test, monitor, and evaluate your curriculum. Be specific.

    As a teacher or educator, I can pilot-test, monitor, and evaluate my curriculum by:
    a. Choosing the set of students/class that will participate in the pilot-testing
    b. Having appropriate assessment and evaluating tools such as quizzes and exams.
    c. Analyzing the results gathered from the evaluating tools.
    d. Asking for feedback from the participants and the teachers.
    e. From the gathered information decide whether the curriculum is effective or needs to be revised.

  6. 1. How do you think technology can make the teaching/learning more effective.?

    - The youth today are technology oriented. It is the best way to reach out to them and at the same time educating them.It would only mean that the educational system is adjusting to the changing world. Although changes and technology cannot be stopped, we should adapt it to enhance and innovate the education system. There are abundant information available from the internet, and learners can easily gain access to it. Educators should be their guide to get a quality information from renowned sites and not from some junk sites.

    2. As a teacher or educator, how can you pilot-test, monitor, and evaluate you curriculum? Be specific.

    - This is great if you have your own school though. Because you have to have a lot of guts to implement such experimental curriculum. In order to see if it is effective is to execute the new curriculum at all levels. Then you have to evaluate at least once a week to know if your new curriculum is working or not. You have to make comparisons with the old curriculum from the new one. By gathering information on the progress of your students at all levels after a month and make your comparison from the old one. Then you can analyze which one is more effective, if the old curriculum is more effective then you can make adjustments and reinvent your new curriculum to make it more effective.

  7. 1. How do you think technology can make the teaching/learning more effective.?

    Technogy can make teaching/learning more effective because with the use of different gadgets, learning would br fast-phased. You no longer have to go to the library to do some research works. Technology may also help us save time and energy in doing our lesson plans and having class. A perfect example is our online class every Wednesdays. We no longer have to come to school to attend class. All we have to do is go online and answer the questions. Technology is good if used properly.

    2. As a teacher or educator, how can you pilot-test, monitor, and evaluate you curriculum? Be specific.

    For me, one way of pilot-testing/monitoring/evaluating my curriculum is by performing an experiment. I'll ask some participants who can help me in evaluating it. After sometime, I'll do another experiment in a different sets of participants. I'll ask this participant what they think about my curriculum and ask for suggestions on how to improve it.

  8. 1. How do you think technology can make the teaching/learning more effective.?

    Technology is a very powerful tool. It was and until now it improves the way we live and it helps us in our daily activities. So in the case of teaching, it is very helpful and it will help us to be more effective in teaching. For example is the famous computer and internet. With those tools, we can make our lesson more presentable and interesting because it's very easy to show movie or video clips. And in that way, we can get the attention and make our students more focus on our lesson. Another is that, it's easier for us to research on things that needed in our lesson. And not to mention the time we save in using the advancement of our technology.

    2. As a teacher or educator, how can you pilot-test, monitor, and evaluate you curriculum? Be specific.

    As a teacher or educator, I will pilot-test, monitor, and evaluate my curriculum by performing an experiment. I will have two sets of class with the same level and capacity. For one class, is that I will do the pre test, post test method. I will give an exam about my lesson before teaching them and then after the lesson I will give an exam again. Second class, is that the regular method which is I will teach the lesson first and after they will have an exam. After this experiment, I will compare the result. And in this way, I will know which is the best method in that level and capacity of students.
