Friday, June 24, 2011

2nd On Line, Elements of Curriculum

Hi Class,

I am posting your on line assignment for next week.

Find any curriculum (any subject) in an elementary or secondary school. Identify the vision, mission, and goals of the school. Then, answer the following questions:

1. In what ways are the curriculum consistent or inconsistent with the vision, mission, and goals of the school?

2. How would you evaluate the curriculum in light of the aims of the school based on the Philippine Constitution of 1987.

3. Are the components (elements) of curriculum (aims /objectives, content/subject matter, methods/strategies, and evaluation) integrated in the curriculum. Explain.

Doc Raqui


  1. Find any curriculum (any subject) in an elementary or secondary school. Identify the vision, mission, and goals of the school. Then, answer the following questions:

    Vision: We, the Educative Pastoral Community of Don Bosco Tarlac, envision the young as servant leaders in the Church of the Poor. Faithful to the teachings of ST. John Bosco, we develop their giftedness and their power of choice to enable them to contribute to social transformation

    Mission: By being living witnesses, we commit ourselves to provide a holistic education within a culture of excellence, spirit of collaboration, and in the context of the Preventive System.


    Goals and Objectives :
    English IV aims to form a Bosconian who is able
    to: a) evaluate literary pieces using his skill in literary analysis and criticism; b) acquire more sensitivity towards people through values and significant human experiences imbibed from the short stories and poems taken; c) express his skills in persuasion and argumentation through oral and written communications; d) acquire fundamental skills in writing research, and e) grasp well world literature ─ Greek and Roman Mythologies and the like.

    1. In what ways are the curriculum consistent or inconsistent with the vision, mission, and goals of the school?

    Ways to show the consistency and inconsistency of the curriculum based on the vision, mission of the school, is to identify where does the vision and mission located in the objectives of the curriculum.

    The vision of the school is : We, the Educative Pastoral Community of Don Bosco Tarlac, envision the young as servant leaders in the Church of the Poor. Faithful to the teachings of ST. John Bosco, we develop their giftedness and their power of choice to enable them to contribute to social transformation. And it can be seen on the objective “to Acquire more sensitivity towards people through values and significant human experiences imbibed from the short stories and poems taken”. “Grasp well world literature ─ Greek and Roman Mythologies and the like.”

    The Mission of the school is : By being living witnesses, we commit ourselves to provide a holistic education within a culture of excellence, spirit of collaboration, and in the context of the Preventive System. Holistic education can be compared to broad and narrow view of curriculum, getting to school doesn’t only means having quizzes, examinations, recitations but also to learn how to weigh things or to learn decision making in life. And learn how to stand for our own ideas and opinions. Which is shown in objectives a and c. a) evaluate literary pieces using his skill in literary analysis
    and criticism. c) express his skills in persuasion and argumentation through oral and written

    2. How would you evaluate the curriculum in light of the aims of the school based on the Philippine Constitution of 1987.
    If evaluation is based if it encompasses the aims of the school institution written in 1987 Constitution, I think if we consider the objectives of the curriculum and the vision and mission of the school, I would say that it implements the constitution . Even not exactly how the constitution is written but rather how the constitution should be done.

    3. Are the components (elements) of curriculum (aims /objectives, content/subject matter, methods/strategies, and evaluation) integrated in the curriculum. Explain.

    I think yes. The curriculum of the school has its objectives, subject description, topics, requirements for evaluation that re interconnected with the vision and mission of the school. It also considers the learners, the instructors, the level of capability of the learners and etc.

  2. Find any curriculum (any subject) in an elementary or secondary school. Identify the vision, mission, and goals of the school. Then, answer the following questions:
    Our Vision
    By 2020, we envision a Christ-inspired,
    nationally-responsive and globally competitive
    Colegio de San Juan de Letran at the threshold of being a University,
    evidenced by quality academic standard,
    strong research culture and sustained community services.

    Specifically, we see Letran as a leading center on the:

    - creative use and application of information and communications technology in education;
    - values-oriented communications and media education;
    - historical studies and research, particularly on Intramuros; and
    - development of self-reliant communities.
    Our Mission
    We, the Colegio de San Juan de Letran, a Dominican institution of learning,
    commit ourselves to the quality formation of integral human persons
    in our noble tradition of excellence and the supreme ideal of Deus, Patria, Letran.

    Specifically, we endeavor to form the Letran Community to become:

    - staunch defenders of the Church;
    - faithful devotees of Mary;
    - ardent lovers of Truth;
    - dynamic builders and leaders of communities; and
    - successful professionals in their chosen fields of endeavors


    This learning area which is offered in Grades I to III deals with the study of the relationship of man to society and government; his role, duties and responsibilities, rights and privileges as a citizen of his country and the world. It also deals with the development of moral and spiritual values, pride in one’s cultural heritage, proper nutrition, desirable health habits, and creative self-expression through Music, Arts, and Physical Education. In Grade III, the content is expanded to include History, Geography and Work Ethics which develop the pupil’s awareness in the world of work, in the home and community.

    1. In what ways are the curriculum consistent or inconsistent with the vision, mission, and goals of the school?
    The vision and mission of San Juan de Letran is focused more on the Christ inspired and culture and developing the moral and spiritual values of the student. In this subject it is obviously, that they are consistent, because in the course description , their goal is not only to teach the subject but to develop student awareness in the world outside the institution.

  3. 2. How would you evaluate the curriculum in light of the aims of the school based on the Philippine Constitution of 1987.
    I think it does not violate the constitution, especially if we based on their Mission and Vision

  4. 3. Are the components (elements) of curriculum (aims /objectives, content/subject matter, methods/strategies, and evaluation) integrated in the curriculum? Explain.
    Yes, I think it contains all the components that are also base on the Vision and Mision of the Institution.

  5. Hi Sherchen, good answer to questions 1 and 3. Please explain your answer to number 2 question.

    Marielle, please explain your answer to questions 2 and 3.

    Thanks for posting early!

    I want other members to post their comments on this blog and not create their own blog.


    V I S I O N:

    Every Learner to Become Literate, Responsible, Value-Oriented and Equipped With Life Skills, Through Quality Basic

    M I S S I O N:

    Promote Balance Quality Basic Education for Lifelong Learning and Commitment for Worthy Development

    1. In what ways is the curriculum consistent or inconsistent with the vision, mission and goals of the school?

    This school offers basic education but I cannot say with quality. We all know what kind of education public schools are giving besides to those special classes where the students really excel from others. Value oriented is the least I think that was applied in the curriculum. Most of the teachers do not connect with their students and the balance of real life situation and book knowledge totally do not apply with the curriculum. The teachers seem to be just following the recommended curriculum and are not exerting more effort to improve. The students after graduation do not remember most of the lessons taught by the teachers so I can say that the mission is actually a failure because how can someone develop if they do not remember the lessons at all.

    2. How would you evaluate the curriculum in light of the aims of the school based on the Philippine Constitution of 1987?

    There is no problem with the recommended curriculum although it might need some updates and minor adjustments since technology is growing so fast involving education. The major problem I see with the curriculum is the implementation. The teachers are having difficulty with the curriculum in terms implementation since they lack the resources. Just like I said earlier, technology is taking over the modes of teaching and by not updating our recommended curriculum; our quality of education will surely be at the bottom.

    3. Are the components (elements) of curriculum (aims) objectives, contents/subject matter, method/strategies and evaluation integrated in the curriculum? Explain.

    The teachers are trying hard to be creative and are thinking of ways for the lesson to be appealing to the students. The curriculum itself is very plain and basic as their target is for the children to learn in the simplest way. My sister is one of the teachers in the school and she believes that by sticking to basic is important because their students are not the privilege ones. Most of their students do not even want to continue studying and are just forced by their parents. So it was in their curriculum that lessons be taught are the simplest things that can be useful in everyday life.

    Quezon City

    MISSION: We envision ourselves as a Christian Filipino community living the Trinitarian Mission Spiritually, witnessing to Truth in Love.
    VISION: Inspired by the lives of St. Arnold Janssen, Blessed Maria Helena and Mother Josepha, we commit ourselves to grow into a life giving community through a holistic Christian formation by living out the Tritarian qualities of Respect for Uniqueness, Equality, constant communication, Unity and Sense of Mission.
    1. In what ways is the curriculum consistent or inconsistent with the vision, mission and goals of the school?
    The school is really devoted in teaching Christian values and on the other aspects of education. They are consistent in making the students realize the importance of Christian values whatever they may venture into. The quality of education is above standard compare to other private schools and seems to be following the qualities stated on their vision. They are also consistent in involving the community in terms of teaching values as they have lot of activities beyond the school walls.

    2. How would you evaluate the curriculum in light of the aims of the school based on the Philippine Constitution of 1987?
    They seem to follow the recommended curriculum and actually expand more so it seems they are doing supported and assessed curriculums. They believe that learning do not only happen inside the classrooms and by guiding the students to be more involve into their community, the students are learning more than just what’s inside their books. The school is like implementing the broader curriculum. They also are updated with the current technology updates and that is why they expand more beyond the recommended curriculum of the Philippine Government.

    3. Are the components (elements) of curriculum (aims) objectives, contents/subject matter, method/strategies and evaluation integrated in the curriculum? Explain
    Yes, the school supports every aspect of life and is teaching all the things helpful for the students to be prepared in any environment. The methods are modern but the essence of old fashioned classroom teaching is still present.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. School: Philippines Science Highschool


    The Philippine Science High School has a core curriculum which aims to develop the scholar in all disciplines. Students experience a common freshman year, with a demanding English and Mathematics curriculum, and exposure to Earth Science and Technology Preparation. The students then go through a process that allows them to follow either a science stream or a technology stream.

    The streaming courses are given through electives in the second through fourth year. The core courses are taken by all students.

    Core Curriculum

    The core curriculum is packed with science and mathematics courses, allowing the student to maximize their potential intellectual skills. This is balanced by rich humanities course offerings which foster the full growth of each individual personality.

    The science and mathematics subjects are generally advanced. Each year starting in the second year, the students take Biology, Chemistry and Physics as separate subjects. Computer Science is offered in all year


    The Philippine Science High School, operating under one System of Governance and Management, provides scholarships to students with high aptitude in science and mathematics.

    The PSHS offers an education that is humanistic in spirit, global in perspective, and patriotic in orientation. It is based on a curriculum that emphasizes science and mathematics and the development of well-rounded individuals.

    The PSHS prepares its students for careers in Science and Technology and contributes to nation building by helping the country attain a critical mass of professionals and leaders in Science and Technology.


    The Philippine Science High School Scholar, nurtured by competent faculty and staff, has a scientific mind and a passion for excellence, is dedicated to the service of country and committed to the pursuit of truth.


    The main purpose of the PSHS education is the integral development of its scholars.

    Each PSHS scholar has unique giftedness and potentials which should be recognized and nurtured so that each one develops them to the fullest extent possible.

    The PSHS special science curriculum engenders in our scholars a passion for learning and inspires them to choose careers in science and technology and so contribute to national development.

    The PSHS is most effective in an environment characterized by all-around performance excellence, a dynamic and collaborative leadership, outstanding facilities, resources and support alliances, and an unswerving commitment of service to the nation and to one another.

    1. In what ways are the curriculum consistent or inconsistent with the vision, mission, and goals of the school?

    A curriculum is consistent if they were able to apply their vision, mission and the goals of the school with what they are about to teach.

    2. How would you evaluate the curriculum in light of the aims of the school based on the Philippine Constitution of 1987.

    I think their curriculum needs improvement because they didn't take note of the patriotism and nationalism, foster love of humanity, respect for human rights, appreciation of the role of national heroes in the historical development of the country. They were focus on the subjects that they teach in school.

    3. Are the components (elements) of curriculum (aims /objectives, content/subject matter, methods/strategies, and evaluation) integrated in the curriculum. Explain.

    Yes, they really value the education of the students. The curriculum gives all the subjects the students have to learn in the class and also grow as a responsible individual.

  10. Thanks, AJ for the input.

    Hi Hazel, the school of the Holy SPirit seems to be a good school!

    Hi Dainty, are you sure that the patriotism and nationalism are not included in the curriculum of PSHS? That's sad to know.

  11. For no. 2 and 3

    _In my opinion Colegio de San Juan de Letran stresses the values oriented programs they offer. They obey what the constitution said, they give emphasis to study Filipino culture, and they can go with the flow of the technology today.

    _Their curriculum is competitive, they also offer remedial classes for the students who cant cope with the course requirement, which is good because they give students chance to become a better not just as a student but also a person.

  12. School: Colegio San Agustin
    VISION: Colegio San Agustin is “A Christian community committed to the building up of the City of God through the formation of true Christian leaders.” This is the ideal the school consistently strives for, through societal changes, to bring man under the influence of Christian values and to make him a citizen of God’s kingdom, as envisioned by St.
    Augustine, a dweller of the City of God. It is through the formation of Christian leaders that CSA hopes to bring about a change in society and to transform it into a truly Christian community.
    MISSION:Colegio San Agustin seeks to fulfill the mission of the Church by providing Christian education to the youth of the Philippines through well-balanced curricular offerings, development of moral and social virtues, promotion of health and cultural programs, and fostering civic and patriotic attitudes. All these are geared to the development of dynamic leadership and community life centered upon God;
    As a school, Colegio San Agustin is committed to realize and to perpetuate its motto: Virtue and Science. Its aim is the well-integrated development of a person’s potentials in mind, body and soul and the complete and harmonious growth of his/her intellectual, physical, social, and spiritual capabilities. The school creates a setting where each student is guided to develop good moral values and a deep sense of responsibility needed in his/her present life as a student, as well as, in his/her future life as a professional.
    Curriculum of Science Elementary:
    The Science Program seeks to develop and strengthen the students’ appreciation of the universe as created by God, to provide them with scientific knowledge necessary to understand the environment and their responsibility towards it, to inculcate in them the scientific way of thinking, solving problems, and making decisions, and to lead them to recognize the social implications of science and technology in the community.

    1.I do think that the given curriculum in Science is aligned to the vision-mission of CSA for it still integrates the Christian values by its appreciation of God's creation.

    2.In Article XIV Sec.10 its been said that Science and technology are essential for national development and progress. The State shall give priority to research and development, invention, innovation, and their utilization; and to science and technology education, training, and services. It shall support indigenous, appropriate, and self-reliant scientific and technological capabilities, and their application to the country's productive systems and national life.

    -I find the curriculum consistent for it is supported by the above article.

    3.Yes all the components/elements, aims /objectives, content/subject matter, methods/strategies, and evaluation are integrated in the said curriculum.For their core competencies always follow a certain pattern where as follows: Christian Leadership,Academic Excellence,
    Values Formation,Commitment and Service.



    Inspired by the ideals and charism of St. Anthony Mary Claret, Claret School of Quezon City, in its commitment to the building of God’s Kingdom through integral education, envisions a community of disciples who are academically excellent and are faithful servants of the word.


    To develop individuals who are competent in the exercise of intellectual faculties and outstanding in the practice of Christian values.
    To keep the community sensitive to the plight of the poor and the needy and to the challenges of the Church and the changing world.
    To work for the promotion of justice and peace and the preservation of the integrity of creation.


    The institution aims to produce:
    A FILIPINO who:
    TAKES PRIDE in being a RESPONSIBLE and PRODUCTIVE citizen of this country;
    is RESPECTFUL and APPRECIATIVE of his cultural heritage; and,
    STANDS FOR and PROMOTES the interest and well-being of his people.
    A CATHOLIC who:
    is CHRIST’S DISCIPLE in the modern world, COMMITTED to grow in faith,
    is SENSITIVE and RESPONSIVE to the needs of the poor;
    is MINDFUL of the cry of the whole creation; and
    CARES for the integrity of Mother Nature and SAVES her beauty and treasures; and,
    A CLARETIAN who:
    is COMPETENT in the exercise of intellectual faculties and OUTSTANDING in the practice of Christian values;
    is an OBEDIENT HEARER and FAITHFUL SERVER of God's word;
    inspired by the ideals of St. Anthony Mary Claret and the examples of the Blessed Mother.

    1. The curriculum of Claret School of Quezon City is consistent with its vision, mission, and goals. It promotes a holistic type of learning, not only does it aim to inculcate knowledge and competence to its students, but also as a Catholic institution, imbibes good moral values and a sense of purpose to its students. It molds its students to be God-centered and God-fearing individuals, while providing them with high quality education. It encourages the students to be well-rounded individuals.

    2. In light of the aims of the school the curriculum offers more than what the 1987 constitution prescribes, as i mentioned in the previous paragraph, Claret's curriculum offers a holistic type of learning, with emphasis on the Catholic values and social responsibility as well as academic excellence. It does actually offer more than what is prescribed in the constitution, as the school believes that academic excellence is just one aspect of an individual's growth. They have extra curricular activities that enhances the individual's talents, like sports, which also promotes discipline. They also have community awareness programs that teaches students to be sensitive to the needs of the neighborhood/community.

    3. Yes, the components of curriculum are integrated in the school's curriculum. The school promotes the growth of every aspect of an individual, a Catholic that has good moral values, a Filipino that has social awareness and responsibility, and a person that is academically competent.


    An educational system driven by technological advances, relevant information and global competitiveness.

    - School Administrators - Equip teachers needed skills, knowledge and values that will assist them to produce on-life learners.
    - Teachers - Role model desired skills, knowledge and values among their pupils/students.
    - Learners - Engage in a continuing search for needed skills, knowledge and values that will transform them to become independent, self-reliant, and productive citizens of this competitive world.

    - Upgrade instruction to bring about quality education
    - Bring all children of school age to school
    - Utilize other alternative learning systems as needed
    - Strengthen the technical and manegerial skills of principals for them to function as instructional leaders and managers of effective elementary and secondary schools

    The curriculum in public schools are centralized therefore it is consistent with the vision, mission, and goals of DepEd.

    Based on Article 14, Section 3 paragraph 2 of The Philippine Constitution:
    "They shall inculcate patriotism and nationalism, foster love of humanity, respect for human rights, appreciation of the role of national heroes in the historical development of the country, teach the rights and duties of citizenship, strengthen ethnical and spiritual values, develop moral character and personal discipline, encourage critical and creative thinking, broaden scientific and technological knowledge, and promote vocational efficiency."

    The Department of Education based their curriculum and carefully selected the subjects to initiate what the State suggests for the education system of the country.

  15. The Winchester School, Dubai
    Since The Winchester School is a product of GEMS education, it’s primary goal is to focus on the MAIN VISION of GEMS which is:
    To be the world’s leading provider of quality education enriching the lives of millions of children, and the communities in which they live.
    The Winchester School’s MISSION STATEMENT:
    • To develop in students the quest for knowledge, proficiency in written and oral communication skills in multiple languages and most importantly, the capability to think independently.
    • To nurture in students an open mind capable of sustained hard work, commitment and analytical thinking.
    • To guide students to become confident, self-assured and caring citizens of tomorrow.
    • To encourage students to realise their full potential in all spheres.

    • Overall development of each student through a strong academic program as well as a wide range of extra-curricular activities
    • Development of student confidence and independence
    • Development of independent thinking skills through an open mind to equip students for an ever-changing world
    • Development of learning-for-life skills
    • Continuous improvement and respect of self and others
    • Fulfilling most of the needs of the students who are from diverse cultural backgrounds and helping them to discover their true potential in every aspect

    World Citizenship
    Empowering students with a global and local perspective.
    Universal Values
    Accepting that we are all different, recognizing that we are all the same.
    Leadership Qualities
    Developing each student’s individuality and discovering their potential.
    Forward Thinking
    Developing skills for the future.
    1. The Winchester School’s curriculum shows it’s consistency with the vision of the GEMS Education and the mission statement in the following ways:

    The Winchester School delivers the British Curriculum which lays the foundation for students to pursue university level education or professional career paths suited to their abilities, talents and interests. It is based on a structured and broad framework that outlines expected levels of achievement through all stages of a student’s school life.

    The IGCSE curriculum is an internationally recognised curriculum used in over 150 countries across the world. It sets widely recognised education standards, supports modern curriculum and development of specific skills and competencies, the curriculum emphasises thinking skills, enquiry, creativity, planning and other skills needed to meet the challenges of the future.

    Key Stage 1 [Years 1 and 2]
    The Formative Years
    Students enter Key Stage 1 at the minimum age of 5 where students are encouraged to develop skills of reasoning, problem solving and creative thinking.

    Creative expression and independent thinking is emphasised through a balanced academic and extra-curricular programme. Socially preferred behavior patterns are inculcated through a focus on etiquette and values which lay the foundation for students’ social interaction and development.

    Key Stage 2 [Years 3 to 6]
    In Key Stage 2, students are introduced to the analytical process. Through individual and group projects, pursuing the carefully planned and balanced curriculum students are encouraged to rationalise and think independently. The curriculum sets challenging targets, yet its methodical implementation encourages each student to pursue individual targets and goals.

    The increased emphasis on extra-curricular activities further encourages initiative, innovation and development of talent in personal areas of interest. This is the stage of enhanced learning, evolving and growing, physically, intellectually and emotionally.

  16. 2. Since I chose a curriculum from a different country, I’ll relate how it follows the Philippine Constitution of 1987 but accordingly to the area by the following:

    -Language Options
    English is the first language, with great emphasis made on oral and written communication skills, as well as reading and listening skills. We encourage students to appreciate the culture and traditions of the UAE. Arabic is compulsory from Primary School onwards. It is offered at two levels, a special higher level, as per the Ministry of Education requirement, and a regular level for non-native speakers.
    From Year 3 onwards, additional language options include French.

    Social Studies, Arabic
    These subjects teach students the history and culture of the UAE and the Arab World so students will learn to appreciate the location and traditions and language of the land.

    - Public schools in UAE are only open to the locals of the land where education is free. Since the majority of people in Dubai are of foreign orient, private schools are numerous and these are the only schools that expatriates are allowed to enroll in.

    3. Yes, the elements of curriculum are integrated with the objectives since it really ensures the students growth and development academically as well as taking part in extra-curricular activities. It shows commitment to developing students' confidence in self as well as different interests and learning to be independent. The teachers create an interactive atmosphere encouraging students to speak their minds, taking the initiative to try out different projects as a group or individually therefore allowing them to exercise their leadership and forward thinking values. Besides that, they become globally competitive individuals who are matured emotionally, intellectually and physically.

  17. University of Santo Tomas

    The University Community Development Program (UCPD), through the Office for Community Development of the University of Santo Tomas, pursing the effective and sustained involvement of the Thomasian community envisions partner communities and at-risk sectors that are self-reliant, interdependent, and empowered, contributing to a Philippine society that is “maka-diyos, maka-tao, maka-bayan, at maka-kalikasan”.

    The UCDP, through the Office for Community Development of the University of Santo Tomas, commits itself to the Christian formation of Thomasians and university partner communities in becoming agents of social transformation.

    To facilitate the organization of self-reliant communities (area/community-based programs).
    To facilitate the development of sustainable programs for specific at-risk and vulnerable sectors of society (sector-based programs).
    To offer new and innovative no formal education programs that would contribute to capacity-building for community service or to increase economic opportunities for the learners. To pursue the stronger implementation of knowledge generation (research) and dissemination (instruction) in the community development program.
    To implements comprehensive community development formation program for the Thomasian community (students, faculty members, administrators, non-teaching employees).
    To intensify the partnership with the church, government and private institutions towards social transformation and development.
    To sustain the institutional development of OCD, particularly resource mobilization and staff development.

    1. In what ways are the curriculum consistent or inconsistent with the vision, mission, and goals of the school?

    I believe that the school program's curriculum is consistent with the vision, mission and goals of the whole university in a way that it link them with it's very own. I could state a substantial example by equating a part of University's Mission to that of it's own. This is taken from the University of Santo Tomas' Mission: "...commits itself to the Christian formation of Thomasians and university partner communities in becoming agents of social transformation.". As compared to: "The UST Alfredo M. Velayo College of Accountancy envisions itself as the premier institution in accountancy education and research in the Asia Pacific Rim, producing world class professionals who are imbued with the Thomistic values, and equipped with knowledge and competence that will enable them to compete successfully in the global arena." Since it's a given standard that the curriculum must be consistent with the vision, mission of the program, and one cannot be valid if it is inconsistent, it's very clear that, in this way, it is indeed consistent with the University's vision, mission and goals.

    2. How would you evaluate the curriculum in light of the aims of the school based on the Philippine Constitution of 1987.

    In light of the aims of the school based on the Philippine Constitution of 1987, the curriculum exhibits in consistent manner and executes what it says it does. It seems that students had been taught and nurtured not only as a future professional or a student, but also as a person and as a Catholic.

    3. Are the components (elements) of curriculum (aims /objectives, content/subject matter, methods/strategies, and evaluation) integrated in the curriculum. Explain.

    Definitely yes. UST is a student oriented school. They produce students and young professionals that are firm and globally competitive. The school provides favorable, interesting and enjoyable learning and working environment. The attention of the school is not only in academics but they are into sports, extra curricular activities, social and religious organizations. And most of all, the school molds their students to become Christian professionals.
